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Added on: 7th Jan 2016




The Rajputs

The Rajputs (literally “king’s sons”) were members of the Hindu

Kshatriya (warrior) caste who enjoyed a reputation as fearsome

warriors. It is believed that a number of people with Rajput ancestry

currently serve in the Indian and Pakistani Armed Forces. Their

homeland, now known as Rajasthan, in northwest India, made them

the first line of defence from western invasions by Arabs, Turks,

Afghans, and northern invaders like the Mongols. Their

effective combat techniques and weapons were considered

evolutionary for their time while many locals believed their “diabolical”

arsenal was designed from paranormal powers to kill.




The Normans

In the space of two centuries the duchy of Normandy stood as a

prime mover in European affairs, not only completing the conquest

of England but also stretching its arms out to southern Italy and Sicily.

The Normans were the people who gave their name to Normandy,

a region in northern France. They descended from Viking

conquerors and the native Carolingian culture formed from

Franks and Roman Gauls.




The Ninja warriors

A ninja was a covert agent or mercenary in feudal Japan. The

functions of the ninja included espionage, sabotage, infiltration,

assassination, and open combat in certain situations. Their covert

methods of waging war contrasted the ninja with the samurai, who

observed strict rules concerning honour and combat. According to

some military history experts, a large number of Special Forces

nowadays are based on the way ninjas operated.





Although their origin remains uncertain, they probably descended

from Central Europe, immediately south of the Germanic tribes.

The Boii are mentioned several times by most ancient authors,

including Julius Caesar when he fought them alongside the Helvetii.

The Boii are described as a vigorous, crowded, and poor group of

people with a warlike temper, while their name possibly translates

as either “terrible” or “warriors.” They were first noticed after

invading the Po Valley (a major geographical feature of Italy) around

400 BC, expelling the Etruscans and even some Umbrian’s

in the invasion.




The Mamluks

The Mamluks descended from non-Arab slaves who were

naturalized to serve and fight for ruling Arab dynasties, are

revered as some of the greatest warriors ever to exist. Although the

word mamluk translates to “one who is owned,” the Mamluk

soldiers proved otherwise, gaining a powerful military standing

in various Muslim societies, particularly in Egypt. They would

also go on to hold political power for several centuries during a

period known as the Mamluk Sultanate of Egypt.




The Hyksos

The Hyksos ruled in ancient Egypt’s Nile Delta almost four thousand

years ago and were an interesting group that has become a strange

mix of myth and history. They have been described as brilliant

technological innovators, fierce warriors, and highly

advanced for their time.




The Huns

With Attila the Hun the notorious barbarian horseman being the

most famous of them, the Huns terrorized and ravaged Europe

between the first century and seventh century AD. While the

Huns are considered one of the first empires to inspire the nation

of Hungary, the nomadic Huns may have originated in Mongolia

or Kazakhstan and were constantly travelling within the Eurasian

steppe. Attila fought for power of the Hunnic tribes and is believed

to have assassinated his relatives to do so.




The Goth warriors

The Goths were born of east Germanic ancestry and were vicious

warriors who could fight the most trained and skilled foe. The

Goths’ battle-hardened skills and their passion for the fight were

more than a match for any warrior on the battlefield. For the

record, let’s not forget that two Goth branches, the Visigoths and the

Ostrogoth’s, played an important role in the fall of the western

Roman Empire and the emergence of medieval Europe.




The Frank Warriors

The Frank or Frankish warriors were the proud, battle-savvy

Germanic tribe that eventually became the founders of France.

The Franks were a powerful tribe even among the strong and

bristling Germanic tribes of the time, and were often reported

to be one of the largest too. As with any tribe that lived in

war-torn times, the Franks needed good fighters and the

Frankish warriors are considered some of the most cruel ever.


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