Added on: 26th Jul 2013
A man and his wife went to the pharmacy
to pick up his prescription for Viagra.
Seeing the $10 per pill price his wife was astonished
but then realized "it's only going to cost us $30 per year"
An elderly woman is talking with her friend and asks,
"what can I do to increase my husband’s sex drive?
I've tried to give him viagra but he refuses to take it."
Her friend says "just sneak it into his coffee, he won't taste it."
Next week she tells her friend "that was terrible
I will never try that again!"
Shocked, the friend asks what happened.
"I slipped the viagra into his coffee and he jumped out of his chair
tore off all my clothes and made love to me right on the table.
" Her friend asks, "what was so terrible about that"?
She replies,
"I can never show my face at Mcdonalds again!"
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